Having a washing machine that won’t spin is a nightmare. You start to do your wash, hang the clothes out to dry, and come back to find out the machine has eaten another hour or so.
The most common reasons for a Beko washing machine not spinning are the door or latch is not secure, the drain is clogged, the water level is too high, the spin cycle is stuck, poor load distribution, there is not enough detergent or other “spin-friendly” ingredients in the load.

Related: Beko Dishwasher Reviews
Now, let’s check out how you can troubleshoot Beko washer’s spinning problems before calling a repair person.
Table of Contents
Beko Washing Machine Not Spinning
Here is what to do when your Beko washer stops spinning. Let’s start with simple fixes.
1. Poor Load Distribution:
This can occur when there are several types of fabrics (such as cotton, wool, silk, and synthetic) in the same wash or when you put too many articles of clothing in the wash.
Most often, this is the cause of a Beko washer stoppage. You see, when the drum is full, the machine assumes it is time to stop spinning and begin the spin-dry cycle.
However, if the load is not evenly distributed, when the drum is full the heaviest items will be at the “front” or “top” of the drum. This means when the drum starts to rotate, the unbalanced weight of the load will cause the machine to “list” or “rock” back and forth.
To fix this, move the items to the center of the drum before washing. Remember, this may take some time, as the clothes may be dirty and the water will need to be drained first.
2. Using Too Much Detergent or Soap:
The first step is to check your manual to see how much detergent or soap you are supposed to use for a given amount of laundry.
Using too much detergent or soap can cause this problem. However, if you do use too much, you should notice a strong odor from the washer. If there is no strong odor, then you are probably using too little.
Either way, you should reduce the amount of detergent or soap in your next wash. Also, if the washer is very old (over 10 years), it may be time to replace the dispenser.
Here is a suggestion on how to test the correct amount of detergent or soap for your load:
- Take one cup of water and add about one tablespoon of your detergent or soap. Mix well.
- Place the cup in a bucket with water and stir the cup several times. If the water becomes cloudy, then your detergent or soap is too strong. If it does not become cloudy, then your detergent or soap is too weak.
- If your detergent or soap is too strong, add more water to dilute it. If you added too much water, then your detergent or soap is too weak.
3. Check the Water Level:
The water level should never be higher than half the capacity of the drum. If the water level is too high, it may overflow, you may have a clogged drain, or you may have too many items in the washer. This will damage the machine and should be taken care of immediately.
If you don’t notice the water overflowing, try reducing the amount of laundry in the wash. It may take a little trial and error, but it is better to use less water than to risk damaging the machine.
In any case, you’ll need to keep an eye on the water level. This is quite simple to check. Simply open the drum’s door and see inside.
The water is appropriate if it is level with the “top” of the drum. However, if the water is higher or lower than the top of the drum, then you need to adjust the water level.
4. Broken Door Latch:
This problem can occur when the door is not completely closed, or if the latch is broken. You will need to turn off the washer, lift the lid, and remove the plug.
Once the machine is off, gently pull the door toward you to open it, and then close the door behind you.
If you still have problems, call your service provider. They may be able to troubleshoot the problem for you, or they may need to send a repair person to do this.
If your machine is too old and the service provider cannot fix the problem, then it is time to consider purchasing a new machine. However, make sure to go through the list of the washing machine brands to avoid before buying.
5. Replace the Drive Belt:
A damaged drive belt can cause a variety of problems. The washer could stop spinning, the door may not close properly, or the machine may not drain water.
To check the belt, you will need to open the door and remove the plug. You should be able to hear the belt moving if you remove the plug. If you can’t hear the belt moving, it may be necessary to replace the belt.
6. Water Pump Issue:
A clogged water intake screen or a broken water pump can cause the washer to use too much water, get very hot, or even destroy the machine.
If your washer uses a lot of water, let it run until the water is completely drained. Then unplug it and check the level of water in the tub.
If the water is below the drain plug, then there may be a clog somewhere in the water system. Remove the drain plug and use a small funnel (with a round bottom) to carefully remove any debris obstructing the drain.
If you still have problems, call the service provider.
7. Check for Technical Failures:
It is not unusual for washers to experience “technical failures”. These can range from the machine not spinning at all, to excessive heat, to not draining water properly, to broken parts.
If this happens, simply unplug the machine and wait for the service provider to come to fix it.
Do not try to troubleshoot the problem yourself, and it is very easy to make the situation worse. All you will do is cause further damage and delay in having your laundry done. Call your service provider immediately.
8. Laundry Too Hot or Too Cold:
This is one of the most common problems with new washers and the agitator won’t be able to circulate the water effectively.
Laundry is supposed to be either hot or cold, but often it is just right. This may happen if you put in too much or too little detergent, or if there is a clog somewhere in the system.
If you use a lot of fabric softener, try using half the recommended amount. Or try using only a cup of detergent instead of two. Try putting a trash bag or some newspaper under the drain plug to help speed up the draining process.
You may also want to check the temperature controls on your washing machine. Some people find that turning the dials slightly counter-clockwise makes the cycle run hotter, and slightly clockwise makes it run cooler.
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Your washing machine will probably experience some type of problem every year or so. However, by doing the maintenance described above, you can keep your washer functioning smoothly for many years to come.
Remember, like a refrigerator, dishwasher, and water heater, your washer is also one of the most important appliances in your home. Do everything you can to keep it in good working order!
I hope this post was helpful in resolving your Beko Washing Machine not spinning issue. If you still have any questions, you can ask me in the comment section below, so I can help you.

Steven Settles is an ISCET-certified master in appliance repair. He has aced the National Appliance Service Technician Certification Exam, showcasing his exceptional diagnostic and repair skills. With an in-depth understanding of the latest repair technologies and a keen eye on evolving industry standards, Steven is a go-to expert for any appliance issue.